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Petrified Forest

National Park


Lithodendron Wash

trail details

Type of Trip: Backpacking Out & Back

Where: Petrified Forest National Park

Permits Required: Yes

Miles: 5.8

Net Elevation Change: 865 ft

Trailhead: Wilderness Access

Cal Topo:

Description: Off trail out & back with a stop at Onyx Bridge in the Petrified Forest zone 2 wilderness

logistics & itinerary

Wilderness Area : Petrified Forest National Park

When to apply? In person the day of your hike

Permit Style: First-Come First Serve

Permit Application: Not available

When did we do this hike? September 2019

Transportation: We parked at the Painted Desert Inn next to the trailhead.









Black Forest


Water: There was no water available on this trip. We packed all our water in.

Leave-No-Trace: Follow Leave No Trace principles. All human waste must be buried at least 6 inches deep. Carry out all trash. Do not burn or bury toilet paper or trash. Do not collect any plants, rocks, petrified wood, fossils or any other archaeological objects.

Flora Considerations: None 

Fauna Considerations: There are a large variety of animals that live in the park but we didn't see any. We took a bear can just so we wouldn't have to worry about any critters getting into our food.

Trail Specific Considerations: Temperatures can vary greatly from extreme heat to bitter cold depending on the time of year. Like any wilderness trip, you accept a certain amount of risk when going on your hike. You are responsible for assessing how comfortable you feel with that risk and understanding your own physical abilities.

#Arizona #Petrified Forest #Desert

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